Woke up at a fairly reasonable time. Got my latte while the computer booted, then parked on SL. Took care of my free book and paid...
Just another Manic Monday…
The day started out much like any other, of late anyway. Slept in a tad bit, but not too late. I woke to the sound of Facebook messages....
Woke up early again. Grabbed a latte while the computer booted, then got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Once it...
Woke up early, as is my new normal. Got the computer booting up and peed in a cup right away. My stomach was giving me troubles for the...
Woke up at a fairly reasonable time and grabbed my latte while the computer booted. Got parked on SL, then hopped on Conan to play around...
Got up relatively early Saturday morning, and without an alarm! Grabbed my latte while the computer booted, then parked on SL. Took care...
Got up and felt a bit better than I had on Wednesday. Grabbed a latte while I got the computer booted, then parked on SL. A short while...
Sunday & Monday
Got up Sunday morning, much too early considering when I’d gotten to sleep the night before. It must have been about 5am before I finally...
Got up relatively early so I could accompany Dave and Casey to the Mud Assault Run. Had a latte while getting the computer booted up and...
Sunday & Monday
Sunday morning, got up relatively early. Got some coffee and got on SL to park. Hopped on Conan to refresh the base, and then DDO to...
Monday & Tuesday
Slept in a little on Monday but not too late. Got my latte and got parked on SL, then got on Conan to refresh the base. Then I hopped on...
Thursday & Friday
Thursday, got up and got my latte, then got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed...
Friday & Saturday
Got up Friday, got my latte, then got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back...
Got up and got my latte, then got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back home...
Sunday & Monday
Woke up to an alarm set for about 8:15 on Sunday. Dave and Casey were still sleeping, they’d had a “slumber party.” Got my latte and got...
Wednesday & Thursday
Got up and got my latte, got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back home....
Thursday & Friday
Thursday, got up and got my latte, then got on SL to park while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then...
Thursday & Friday
Got a text around 5am Thursday that it would be a snow day. I’d been able to hear the freezing rain against my window all night, and...
Got up and got my latte, got on SL to park while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back home and...