I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual...
Woke up early as usual. Peed in a cup while the computer was booting, then got parked on SL. I had to skip the latte because I had a...
Thursday & Friday
Got up Thursday, got my latte, and tried to get parked on SL but saw that our internet was out. Got Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped...
Thursday, Friday, & Saturday
Slept ok Wednesday night, despite some pain in my knee. Got up and got my latte while I parked on SL and got Casey up, dressed, and fed....
So, of course, it’s been a while since I’ve updated. I kick myself for that, really I do. First and foremost, after nearly 13 years with...
There is too much…
I just can’t believe how frequently I go months without posting, when in all honesty I really do NEED to post more, as it’s therapeutic...