#quotesofthoughts #poem #poetsociety #tale #story#poet #literature #reading#writing #poetry…
#quotesofthoughts #poem #poetsociety #tale #story#poet #literature #reading#writing #poetry… #quotesofthoughts #poem #poetsociety #tale...
#quotesofthoughts #poem #poetsociety #tale #story#poet #literature #reading#writing #poetry… #quotesofthoughts #poem #poetsociety #tale...
Watched some more 13 Reasons Why last night, just one episode again. It’s best not to stay up too late watching it, so just taking it one...
So, I didn’t sleep the best Saturday night. My mind kept me awake, my heart was pounding. I finally got to sleep and woke up in an...
So, I didn’t realize Dave was getting undressed to hop in the shower. I went to ask him a question about tax documents, since today’s the...
I’ve been begging for marriage counseling for years because I haven’t been happy with the way Dave treats me. It started around the time...
Advance apologies, a lot of this will be recaps. On August 4th, Nik said he got caught again by his wife. That was the day I was checking...
Well, we made it here in one piece! But, oh boy, has it been stressful! Once we knew, without a doubt, that we were moving, we planned a...
So, last weekend I tried a different approach with reaching out to Nik. I messaged him at night after I deemed it most likely for his...
Alright, so Dave and I have been having problems on and off for, well, most of our marriage. I even left him for a week, a little over a...
So, things have been pretty tense at home. When Dave suggested I start telling my parents when they irritated me or pissed me off, I...
So, I haven’t told many people, but I’ve been unhappy in my marriage for 6 years, and the first 4 years don’t really count to me since he...