Thursday & Friday
I feel like I’m typing the same thing every day here, for the most part. It’s kinda, idk, almost depressing, but there’s little...
Hello from Texas!
Well, we made it here in one piece! But, oh boy, has it been stressful! Once we knew, without a doubt, that we were moving, we planned a...
Dave’s mom
About a month ago, Dave’s mom had gotten into a car accident. Ultimately, she spent 3 weeks in the hospital, the last 2 of which was in...
So, Monday afternoon I was supposed to have my MRI. I picked Ronda up. Her breath smelled like minty alcohol. It’d been a while since I’d...
I’ll try and make this brief. 🙂 So my parents were originally going to try and make it for Casey’s birth, but mostly they just wanted to...
Wow, it’s been a while since my last post… seems like so much, yet so little has happened in the last 6 weeks. I’ve been to the doctor a...
Baby Shower
This had to be a separate post, because it has to be kept friends-only. Originally this smelly girl I don’t know from work randomly said...
Mandie, Charles, MIL
Mandie Sooo things with Mandie are getting more fragile now that her and I are BOTH pregnant. She’s around 5 months now. And it seems...
So, I’ve been having a lot of problems with anxiety lately. I’ve posted to my Fanbox about this but thought I’d post here. It started on...
Happy Easter!
You know, having paid for a permanent account and everything, I really do need to post, a LOT more! It’s not like there’s never anything...
So, here’s a post about Dave’s mom, Ronda. A refresher – she’s an alcoholic, bad. It caused her divorce from Scott, lose her job after...
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, aside from my tweets. I like that my tweets are shipped here daily, because I feel that...
Sorry I haven’t updated lately. Don’t worry, you all haven’t missed much. For the most part, this is an entry simply to let you all know...
So, let’s start with the good stuff. Last night I watched National Treasure: Book of Secrets, and found it fascinating until the end. ...
General update…
I was getting terrified that we’d get to closing and end up short of money to finalize everything, so we’ve decided to keep the closing...
Becoming hostile…
It seems as though, the longer we continue living in MIL’s basement, the more hostile I’m becoming. She doesn’t seem to grocery shop for...
A new law that intrigues me…
There’s a new law in Illinois that took effect on the first, and I’m rather intrigued by it. Anyone who is caught driving under the...
Winter Storm…
So I have the day off today, which I’m glad for because the Winter Storm is coming through and we’re getting lots of snow right now. We...