Got a new pump!
It was suggested that I get up once in the middle of the night to pump, to help boost my supply. The pump I have hardly gets anything...
So, Monday afternoon I was supposed to have my MRI. I picked Ronda up. Her breath smelled like minty alcohol. It’d been a while since I’d...
Ready to give up!
This is why I gave up to begin with… I did great all day Saturday, I was so happy about it! I don’t know what changed… When he goes to...
OMG all day yesterday and so far this morning he has had the most PAINFUL latch! And when I pull my nipple out it’s collapsed. Going to...
I don’t know what happened, but suddenly Casey has started nursing like a pro and has reduced his formula intake by almost 50%! Posted...
Happy baby?
As content as he looks right now, it makes me wonder what’s going on in the breast I can only pump mere drops out of… 25 minutes in…...