Wacky Wednesday
So, last night I managed to finish catching up on Criminal Minds. I was up until around half past midnight, so not too late. Got an ok...
Sunday Funday?
Got Casey to bed shortly after I posted last night. He wanted a slumber party, so I said yes. We snuggled until he was pretty much...
Surgery and the rest of Monday
Sleep was about the usual, thankfully. Got up on time and got Casey up on time, got him to the bus stop on time, etc. Got the computer...
May the Fourth was with me! And Cinco de Mayo was NOT fun.
Do I even bother talking about my sleep anymore? Lol. Same ole’ same ole’. Casey was up before me. Being 4-K (Pre-K) he doesn’t have...
Therapeutic Wednesday & Throwback Thursday
Slept the usual Tuesday night. Woke up the usual Wednesday morning. Got Casey onto the bus fine. Had him walk to the bus stop acting like...
Sunday & Monday
Got to bed late again Saturday night. Didn’t sleep the best, but did get to sleep in on Sunday. I was pleasantly surprised to see that...
Miserable Monday and Tasty Tuesday
I need to stop getting so far behind on this! What’s worse, I don’t think I’ve written in my leather-bound journal since January! Ugh!...
Sleepy Sunday
Just haven’t been sleeping the best lately. Woke up earlier than I wanted yesterday. Did my usual, going on Wiz for this, that, and the...
Decent day, rough night…
Got to sleep in until about 10:30 this morning, that was nice. Casey did get up a little bit before me, but I don’t think it was by much....
I get so angry sometimes, that I cry…
So, after he’d finished eating, he went in his room for a few minutes, then came and sat on my ottoman in my room and told me, like I was...
Sorry I didn’t empty the dishwasher when it was STILL RUNNING…
Dave was downstairs doing who knows what, so I started putting dishes away from the sink and dishwasher. No sooner do I open the...
So WTF ever happened, anyway?
I haven't posted a whole lot about the whole impending divorce. And, as things stand at the moment, idk if it's still happening or not....
Bit of a better day…
So, since my last post, guess what happened??? Casey caught a stomach bug that’s going around his school! What fun! He was getting sick...
Somebody save me…
The night before last was a rough night, sleep-wise. I didn’t get to bed until nearly midnight, and then Casey woke up at 2am, and I...
Hello from Texas!
Well, we made it here in one piece! But, oh boy, has it been stressful! Once we knew, without a doubt, that we were moving, we planned a...
Alright I hope this won’t be TOO long! Last time I posted I had just gotten my new pump. That next day I went to a meeting of the La...