Got up later than intended, but managed to get Casey up on time, fed, and off to school. Came home and got my coffee, then got on SL to...
Man, I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. I almost didn’t, but somehow managed to. Got Casey up, fed, and off to school on time....
Saturday & Sunday
I’d set my alarm for 6:15 Saturday morning, because breakfast would be served at 7. I don’t think I slept a wink, but I didn’t feel...
Monday & Tuesday
Didn’t sleep the best Sunday night. Almost fell off the bed again, this time because the mattress was too far over the edge of the futon....
Thursday & Friday
Didn’t sleep the best Wednesday night after struggling to get to sleep again. Woke up later than I should have, so wasn’t able to get...
Tuesday & Wednesday
After a while longer of Minecraft Monday night, I went ahead and got into bed. Slept ok I guess, got up on time, got Casey off to school....
Sunday & Monday
Got up super early Sunday morning and hopped in the car with Dave and Casey to go to Illinois to visit Dave’s brother, sister-in-law, and...
Friday & Saturday
Got a bit behind again, ugh. Slept ok Thursday night. Woke up Friday morning and got me and Casey ready for the day. Got him off to the...
Today has, thankfully, gone better. Got up at a decent enough time to get Casey ready for school. Dave was still getting ready for work....
Words cannot express how upset I am as I write this. But I’ll get to the reasons why shortly. The day started out like any other. After...
Monday & Tuesday
Didn’t want to get out of bed Monday morning, but at least I’d have a bit of time to myself, since Dave was back to work and Casey had...
Saturday & Sunday
Woke up early again Saturday morning. It was just as well, Dave invited me and Casey to go get coffee & donuts for National Coffee Day....
Thursday & Friday
Got up a tiny bit better Thursday morning, and got Casey ready and to school on the bus. I confirmed with the bus driver when to expect...
Tuesday & Wednesday
Had to Google (well, Bing really) how to save Secret of Mana. It’s like a version of Zelda I recall, where you have to go into an Inn....
Sunday & Monday
Didn’t get to sleep in quite as much as I would have liked on Sunday, only until about 8:30 or so. Woke up pretty sore all over, except...
Friday and Saturday
Hadn’t slept that great Thursday night, which concerned me since I had a lot to do to get ready to go camping Friday night with Casey and...
Wednesday & Thursday
Had trouble getting out of bed Wednesday morning. I’m just not sleeping all that great, and I’m not sure why. I used to not sleep well...
Monday & Tuesday
Ah, the day started out like any other day. Had slept ok considering I’d been up too late the night before. Didn’t wake up feeling as...
Saturday and Sunday
Well, didn’t get the worst sleep Friday night. Definitely not the best, either though. I actually didn’t get up too late, considering....