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Catch up day.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back to the apartment to get Greg and take him to work, stopping at my work for drinks on the way. I headed back home and messed around on the computer until it was time to go pick Casey back up.

Casey and I stopped at the car wash on the way to my work for drinks and then headed to KFC to wait for Greg to get done with work. Greg came over after work for a while to spend time with us.

After taking Greg back to his house in the evening, Casey and I stopped by KFC for some food, then went home and ate. Then it was time for Casey to get ready for bed.

Once he was tucked in, I did some trees on Black Desert, then went to bed.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

I took Casey to school, then went and picked Greg up and took him to work at Molter’s.

I got a text that my glasses were ready to be picked up, so I went and got them, then headed to Sparta to drop off the rent check.

I headed back home for a bit, then heard from Greg about lunch. I went and got some Taco Bell for us and we ate together at his work. Then, I headed back home and messed around on Facebook until it was time to pick up Casey.

Casey had Therapy with Faith, so I picked him up about 20 minutes early and we headed there. It went fairly ok. I showed her the daily log I’m now getting from the school that tracks Casey’s mood and behavior. Somehow, we need to make actual progress with him, but so far I don’t really feel that Faith has been a whole lot of help.

After Therapy, Casey and I picked Greg up from downtown and took him over to Tim’s, then we headed back home.

I picked Greg up from his place not long before midnight, then we came back to the apartment for the night.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

I took Casey to school, then Greg and I stopped by his place so he could grab something he needed for work. I dropped him off at work, then headed to Dave’s because he’d asked if I could take the garbage bin to the road for him. Then, I headed back home and messed around on the computer until it was time to go pick Casey up from school.

We headed to Molter’s and did some shopping while we waited for Greg to get done with work, then we took him home and headed back to the apartment.

I ended up going to pick Greg up again just before 11pm, and he stayed the night.

Friday, March 5, 2021

I took Casey to school, then went back to the apartment to pick Greg up and take him to work. I headed back home until it was time to go for my injection in Onalaska.

I stopped by the Southside Kwik Trip on my way back home, then relaxed until it was time to pick Casey up from school. We went to McDonald’s to get a late lunch for me and Greg, then went to Molter’s. After we were done eating, we stopped by Kwik Trip again, then headed back home for a short while.

We went and picked Greg up from work, then dropped Casey off at Dave’s on our way to Walmart. Greg cashed his paycheck and we grabbed a few things, then headed back to my apartment for something he’d left there. I dropped him back off at his place, then went back home until around 10 when Greg asked me to come to pick him up for the night.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

I took Greg to work, then headed back home until it was almost lunchtime. I went and picked up Subway for us and took it to Molter’s so we could eat together. I headed back home and messed around on the computer until he was ready for me to pick him up after work. We headed back to my place for a few hours, then I took him back to his place until about 11:30 when he had me come pick him up to stay overnight again.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

I dropped Greg off at his place early in the morning, then headed back home. I went back to bed until after noon, then got up and texted Greg. I waited all day for him to stop making excuses and come see me. I could tell something was bugging him and asked about it. He said his anxiety and depression were getting to him. I asked if there was anything I could do to help, and he said I could call him. Oh, right, I’m in a normal relationship for the first time since High School. I can actually call my boyfriend any time I want. It didn’t get me any closer to being able to see him, until after 11 at night when he finally had me go pick him up to stay the night again.

Monday, March 8, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back to the apartment to get Greg and take him to work, stopping at my work on the way so we could get coffees. I headed back home for a few minutes, then went to my physical therapy appointment. At least I don’t ask for pain pills every time I hurt.

I headed back home after PT, then decided I’d go withdraw all the money from the child support debit card and put it in my Paypal account, to then transfer to my checking account. It would just be easier than trying to manage all these debit cards. I stopped by a couple banks, but I wasn’t able to make a withdrawal, so I headed to my work and used that ATM. Then, I headed to Walmart and added the money to my PayPal account, and also grabbed a couple things. I stopped by the UPS dropoff to send back a couple things from Amazon, then headed home for about an hour.

I went and picked Casey up from school, then we went home for a while until it was time to pick Greg up from work. We had to stop back by the apartment to grab Greg’s charger, then we dropped him off at his house. When we were almost to his house, he said he’d spent 7 days away from home so now he’d have to spend 7 days at home. Old me would have let that get to me and been upset at the idea of spending so much time apart. But, I just laughed it off.



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