Monday, February 15, 2021
Casey was off school for President’s Day. We took Greg to work at KFC, then headed back home for the day. Casey spent the day playing on his new Switch game — Super Mario 3d World + Bowser’s Fury. I spent the day on Facebook while my Shai did processing on Black Desert.
We picked Greg up from work, then stopped by my work so he could grab a few things, then we dropped him off at his place and headed home. Dave had apparently gotten to my apartment early to pick Casey up, so I had to drop Casey off at Dave’s. I stopped by the liquor store for cigarettes on the way home, then I got ready for work.
Work went fairly well. I was on bathroom duty, but that was fine. Everything got done in a timely manner, and I got to work with Jodi.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Casey had a 2-hour delay due to the freezing cold temperatures. He was dropped off at my apartment, then we headed to Greg’s to pick him up and take him to work at KFC. We stopped by my work again, so he could grab a few things on the way in.
We headed back home after dropping Greg off and Casey played on his game for a while. Then, I dropped him off at school. I stopped by my work for gas, then went to Walmart to get a few things. After my shopping was done, I stopped by a car wash to try and get some of the nastiness from the snow and ice melt washed off.
I spent some time at home messing around on Facebook and finishing the divorce paperwork up (on my 19th wedding anniversary lol) until Greg was ready to be picked up from work, which turned out to be a bit earlier than expected. We went and sat at the school together, waiting for Casey to get out. Once we had Casey, I dropped Greg off at Tim’s for a bit, then headed back home.
Casey played on his game throughout the evening, and I just messed around on Facebook until later at night when Greg had me come pick him up and bring him over.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
There was another 2-hour delay for Casey’s school, but we had to take Greg to work at Molter’s. We dropped him off there, then headed back home for a while until it was time to drop Casey off at school for the day.
I headed back home and did my usual, until a little after lunch when I got a phone call from the eye doctor. They were asking how I was doing with the new glasses, which I wasn’t even wearing. I went in and they thought maybe the lens type was affecting me, but I didn’t think that was necessarily the case. I ended up picking out new frames but took the “new” ones with me to try them out for longer and see if I could determine if it was the lens or the prescription.
By the time I was done in there, it was time to pick Casey up from school. Then, we stopped by the South Side Kwik Trip and got some drinks to have while we waited for Greg to get done with work at Molter’s. Casey was bored to tears while we waited.
Once Greg had come out, we stopped by the courthouse so he could pay on his fine, then dropped him off at his place and headed home for the rest of the day.
After Casey was in bed, I did end up grinding trees with Shawn for a bit until I was ready for bed myself.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
I dropped Casey off at school, then headed to Greg’s to get him so I could take him to work. Once I’d dropped him off, I headed back home for a short while.
I ended up heading to La Crosse to drop off some returns at the UPS Store. It’s annoying that I sometimes have to drive 45 minutes away just to return stuff.
I stopped by McDonald’s for some food to eat on the way back to Tomah. Once back in town, I stopped by the eye doctor and dealt with the glasses. They ended up scheduling a time for me to come in for a re-check. I knew it was the prescription and not the lenses that were the issue.
I headed back home for a while until it was time to go pick Casey up. Then, we stopped by McDonald’s to get a happy meal to share while we waited for Greg to get done with work. Once he was done, we dropped him back off at his place and headed home.
A while after getting Casey tucked into bed, I ended up going to get Greg and bring him over again.
Friday, February 19, 2021
I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to get Greg and take him to work. Then, I headed to Sparta and met Dave at the courthouse to file the last of the paperwork. I spoke with someone at the judge’s office and she said they’d call to schedule the hearing.
Next, it was time to file our taxes, so we went back to Dave’s to do that. I stopped by the liquor store for cigarettes on the way home afterward.
I picked Casey up from school, then we headed back home to have some malts. Once we were done, he was ready to go back to Dave’s. I dropped him off there and headed to Walmart for a few things.
I waited at home for a while, until Greg was done with work. I went and picked him up and brought him back to my apartment. When it got close to dinner time, I called in an order at Taphouse Twenty and we picked it up. We dropped some food off for Greg’s son to eat, then headed back to my place to eat our dinner together.
After we hung out for a while, we headed back out. We stopped by the South Side Kwik Trip for a few things, then I dropped him back off at his place. I headed back home and did some trees with Shawn, and eventually went to bed.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
I had to be at work at 8am. My ankle’s been bugging me, so I’d picked up a brace to wear. I’m pretty sure it’s just arthritis setting in, decades after an old injury. Despite the pain in my ankle, the shift went fairly well.
I headed home for a bit after work, took a long nap and had a quick shower, then went to Molter’s to wait for Greg to get done with work. I ended up doing a bit of shopping while there, then we checked out together and stopped by his place so he could grab some stuff to bring over to my apartment. We stopped by my work to have them make a pizza on the way.
We ended up watching A Million Ways to Die in the West. It was pretty good. Greg napped during the movie, though. Not long after the movie was done, we went to bed.