Thursday, March 25, 2021
I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to get Greg so I could take him to work at Molter’s.
I ended up going to the Tobacco+ store to get some of my own Delta 8 things.
I picked Greg up for a late lunch, and we went to the courthouse so he could pay off one of his tickets. We stopped by Kwik Trip for something we could eat quickly in the parking lot at Molter’s.
I picked Casey up from school, then headed home until Greg was done with work. We went and picked him up and dropped him off at his place.
Friday, March 26, 2021
There was no school, but Casey and I went to Greg’s to pick him up and take him to work. Then, we headed back home.
Dave picked Casey up shortly before I headed back out to pick Greg up from work. After picking Greg up, we stopped by his place for a few things, then the apartment for something he’d forgotten, then went to Walmart and I dropped him off so I could go to work. He stopped in the store while waiting for a ride, so we got to chat for a few minutes while I was working.
The shift otherwise went fine, it was pretty busy. I wasn’t closing, thankfully. I didn’t particularly feel like it lol. It was an odd shift, though, from 6 to 10:15. When I got home from work, Greg was at the apartment. We spent some time together, but I had to take him home just before 2am. I headed back home and crashed.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
I went to Casey’s Pinewood Derby at 9:30. It went really well, he made it first place for the Wolves. After it was done, I stopped by the Southside Kwik Trip for something to eat, then went home for a bit before it was time to go to work. I actually showed up at work a half-hour early, so I just sat around playing on my phone until I could clock in.
I headed back home after I got off work, until about 9 when I went and picked Greg up. We went and picked up some Chinese and took it back to the apartment to eat. Then, I took him back to his place just before midnight. I went straight back home and crashed.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
I picked Greg up from his place a little before 9, then we stopped by BP on the way to Molter’s. I headed back home after dropping him off at work, then went back and picked him up just after 1. We stopped by his place for a bit, then went to Taco Bell to pick up an order. We took it back to the apartment and ate.
Shortly before 6, we headed out for the evening. The first stop was to get some more things at Tobacco+. Then, we stopped by my work for some munchies and headed out to Greg’s sister Katie’s house for a few hours.
Once we got back to town, we stopped by Greg’s to grab some things and headed back to my place.
Monday, March 29, 2021
I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to get Greg so I could take him to work at KFC. I headed back home until it was time to pick Casey up from school.
After school, I dropped Casey off at the Boys & Girls Club for about a half-hour. I went back home for a bit, then went to McDonald’s to pick us up some drinks before heading back to the club to pick Casey up. From there, we went and picked Greg up from work, stopping by Walmart for a while before heading back home for the remainder of the day/night.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to get Greg and take him to work. I went home until a little after 11, and had my therapy appointment from 8:45 to 9:45. It went well, she actually seemed in favor of me and Greg moving in together, because so far I’ve given her no red flags in what I’ve told her about him. That makes me feel better, but I think Greg and I need to discuss it more and wait until my lease is almost up to make a decision.
I stopped by my work for Gas, then went to Walmart for a few things before heading back home. I ended up back at my work around 2 to get a few things, then went and sat in the Slumberland parking lot while I placed an order on the Burger King app. I picked up the order, then went to the school for pick-up.
I went to drop Casey off at the club for a few hours, but they were playing at the nearby elementary school so I dropped him off there. I headed back home until it was time to pick Greg up from KFC. We stopped by my store, where he had me pick him up some lottery tickets, then headed back to my place for some fun before it was time to pick Casey up.
We headed back home until around 8 when Greg needed a ride back to his place. Then, it was back home to get Casey ready for bed as quickly as possible. I didn’t stay up too much later, myself.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
I dropped Casey off at school, then went to Greg’s to pick him up so I could drop him off at Molter’s for work. I headed back home until a little after 9. Then, I headed to Mayo Clinic for my Physical Therapy appointment. Little did I know, it would be my last appointment until I need it again.
I went to Starbucks for some coffee after my appointment because the water was off back at the apartment for some repair work, so I wouldn’t be able to make any. After getting my coffee, I headed back home until it was time to pick Casey up from school.
After picking Casey up from school, we stopped by the other elementary school to see if the kids were playing. But, they weren’t, so I took him over to the club and dropped him off for a while.
I headed back home until just before 5, then headed out to pick Greg up from work. We had a bit of fun again before going to pick Casey up from the club. Then, we stopped by Greg’s to drop him off before heading back home for the night. Greg ended up riding his bike over with a lot of his stuff.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
As soon as I woke up, Greg told me he’d finally scratched the tickets I’d picked out on Tuesday, and one of them had one $500!
I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to get Greg and take him to Molter’s. He had me cash in the ticket for him, and said I’d be able to keep half of the money. Unfortunately, they had to give me a money order for $400 of the winnings. I tried to see if Walmart would cash a money order, but they won’t unless it’s issued by them. So, I went back home until the banks were likely to be open. I ran to one bank, but they said I’d need to have an account to be able to cash the M.O. So I went back home.
Greg said I could pick him up for lunch and he’d go to his bank to cash the money order. I stopped and grabbed us some Jimmy John’s on the way to pick him up, then we went to the bank. He came back out and handed me the other $150 of my half, and we went back to Molter’s. Turns out he’s not a fan of Jimmy John’s. I felt kinda bad, but I didn’t know.
I went back home for a few minutes before having to go to the school to get Casey. They had early dismissal for Spring Break.
After picking Casey up, I took him to Walmart to get him some things he’d been wanting. It’s the Lego Super Mario starter kit and Maker Set. He was so happy. We headed back home and he got busy for a while until it was time to go get Greg from work.
I stopped by the laundromat for some quarters on the way to pick him up, but when I got there he said he’d walk to his neighbors and then probably walk straight to my place when he was done there. I know he likes to walk sometimes, so that was fine. I’d needed to get eggs at the store anyway so we could try to get them decorated before Dave would be picking him up.
We headed back home until just before 7 when Greg said I could pick him up at the Family Dollar. I left earlier than I should have, so we had to wait a bit for him. We headed back to the apartment afterward and I got Casey ready for bed. Then we hung out until I was ready for bed.