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Slept in a little bit, and woke up feeling incredibly sore. Got my latte while the computer booted, then got parked on SL. Got on ArcheAge and did my morning gardening, then spent the day on Fallout 76.

Casey spent the day going from one thing to the next. At one point, he came and said there was an accident with his bed. I assumed he’d peed the bed from not paying attention to his body’s needs, but no. He must have been crawling around right under the sideboard, and it came out of the foot of the bed. It would be a challenge to fix it with all the bedding and stuffed animals on the bed, so I stripped the bed and fixed it, then put fresh sheets on.

I’d tried starting laundry, but Dave had shit in the washer and the dryer. He has like 5 days out of every week, including the weekend when he’s home, to get his laundry done, but he would do laundry every day if he could. I was pissed because I try to start my laundry on Thursdays and had waited an extra day this time and he still couldn’t get it all done.

I was frustrated by having my passwords in two separate browsers, and I’d always preferred to use Chrome but it was resource-heavy. I checked my addons and found many I could disable, and it ended up performing better than Opera. Plus I even found a Sugar Skulls theme to apply, so I switched back to it.

I ended up going premium on the Fallout 76 map, just to give them some support because they’ve done quite a good job with it. I also downloaded the app for my phone so I could use that if I ever needed to. I was good and used my own bank account for the purchase.

Got Casey tucked into bed about an hour later than usual. I should have gotten him to bed early since he’d been so tired on Thursday, but the time got away from me and he was procrastinating.

After he was read to and tucked in, I got back on ArcheAge to do my nightly gardening. Some guild members were chatting, so I joined in the conversation, and admitted I’ve been playing Fallout 76 a bit the past few days. I was dozing off, so I logged off and went to bed.



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 © 1995-2024 dba amberkaye81 

 Last Updated October 17, 2024 10:11pm 

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