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I got up after yet another crappy night’s sleep, got some coffee while the computer booted, then took care of my free book & paid emails before getting on Black Desert for a while.

I made sure Casey got his schoolwork done throughout the day.

We did go to his school to drop off materials, then Walmart to pick up a few things, and finally Dairy Queen for some lunch to take back home.

My stomach is still all a mess, I’m pretty sure it’s just hormones.

I got on Minecraft for a bit and hoped that Cyn would join me, but I guess she’s just not in the mood for it. In the evening, we did end up getting on Astellia and running a dungeon together, but since I wasn’t in the mood for questing she just logged off after.

I was still feeling like I was in a funk. The strangest thing about it was I didn’t feel sad. I still felt happy, just funky. Very weird.

Later in the evening, I ended up getting a text from Brad. Just a question mark. I guess my corny pickup line went over his head. I spelled it out for him and he said “Well, why not” so I said, “See you in a few.” I got dressed, headed to Kwik Trip for some drinks (and was able to pick up my uniform tops while I was there), and then headed to his place.

He was watching some things on YouTube, then he started a movie on Netflix. Something to do with the military and aliens. He was getting tired, though it wasn’t too terribly late. He stopped the movie and we headed up to bed.

I did make good on my word of what I thought I should do, lol. But then he was dozing off so we went to sleep.



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