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I’d spent most of the night laying on my left side, with my arms around Brad. Usually, I sleep on my right side and we spoon. This was a nice change, but I felt tired because of it. I remember waking up a few times in the night. But really, it’s just a relief that I sleep at all while snuggling. I never used to be able to sleep that way.

I got up and got dressed, then headed home. I got some coffee while the computer booted, then got Casey up, dressed, and fed. Because I’d gotten home so early, I had time for another cup of coffee before we had to go. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home and had another cup of coffee while working on my free book & paid emails.

I headed to my 9am Therapy appointment with coffee #4 in my new travel mug. Therapy went well. I filled Lisa in on everything that had happened since our last visit. My treatment plan was up for review, so we tackled that in the last few minutes. In lieu of the goal of forcing myself to have panic attacks to combat my anxiety, we added a goal of me living independently. This is helpful because I’m worried about ending Therapy before the divorce finalizes. I don’t know how everything will affect me when that time comes.

After Therapy, I headed to Walmart to get a few things we needed, then I grabbed a sandwich from the Subway inside before heading back home. I got the groceries put away and then sat down with my sandwich and got on Fallout 76. I played that for much of the rest of the day. I also worked on catching up on my Bible study. I had two weeks of work to get done in two days. I’d worked on it on Sunday as well.

I picked Casey up from school at the usual time and brought him back home. He’d told me about his new little pet Fuzzball, and when we got home I asked him when he’d made Fuzzball and where the fuzz came from. Turns out he’d picked the fuzz up off the ground at school. Eww! I made him throw it away and said we should come up with some ideas for him to make a new Fuzzball that wasn’t germ-infested.

He went about trying to make a new ball out of construction paper, with the plan of attaching those pom things to it. We’d have to go to Walmart after school on Tuesday to get some. I resumed playing Fallout.

After a while, Casey got on Super Mario Maker on the Nintendo Switch. I was getting bored of Fallout and looking into other games that were cross-platform compatible. Unfortunately, there weren’t any good options that Cyn and I would enjoy playing together.

When Dave got home, he told me I would need to tell him if I was going out on a school/work night because he had to leave the house by 5:15 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during this class. I’m not about to tell him that I sometimes don’t find out until 11:30 at night that I’m going out. I would just catch hell I’m sure. It doesn’t really make a difference if I let him know of my plans the night before, as long as I’m home on time.

Dave went out for dinner with Jennifer, but then let her in when they got back. Poor Max had to get locked in the basement again.

I got on Conan Exiles on the Xbox and fooled around with that for a while. It was a lot more difficult to play with a controller, but for as much as I’d spent on it and as beautiful as the graphics are I am determined to figure it out and enjoy it. It’s buggy, but there are workarounds.

I got Casey tucked into bed around the usual time, then I got back on Fallout for a while. I’d sent Brad a text trying to see him again, but I wasn’t hearing anything back. Two nights in a row is a rare thing with him but has happened. I was especially hoping it would happen just because Jennifer was at our house and her presence irritated me.

Still bored of Fallout, though, I ended up getting on Aura Kingdom for a short while to check things and do some of the daily stuff. After I was done with that, I logged out and shut everything down for bed.

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