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Monday & Tuesday

Didn’t want to get out of bed Monday morning, but at least I’d have a bit of time to myself, since Dave was back to work and Casey had school. Managed to drag myself out of bed and got Casey up and ready for school. Got him to the bus on time, yay!

Got my coffee, got on SL to park, Wiz to garden, and DDO for the dice roll, and then finally on to Aura Kingdom. More of the same, grinding daily quests for the menial XP towards leveling up. Worked on that on and off throughout the day, while Colin also played on his character.

Casey looked pretty tired when he got off the bus, but seemed to be in a good mood otherwise. I noticed his backpack felt lighter, but wasn’t sure at first why that would be.

Got him settled with his laptop, he wanted to play Minecraft. I kept on playing on Aura while he built stuff on there.

For dinner I made a Home Chef, I’ll have to post the pics later. It was ok, but kinda had too many different flavors going on for me. Dave said it was his favorite meal yet, but I’m not sure if he was being serious or just joking about it.

Eventually we realized Casey’s lunch bag wasn’t in his backpack when he got home. That’s why it’d felt lighter! So, I said it was fine, he’d just eat hot lunch at school.

Got Casey to bed at a fairly reasonable time, and then watched NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans. It was nice to catch up on my favorite shows, now that the new season has started.

Got to bed at a somewhat decent time myself. I wasn’t feeling fully ready for bed, but I didn’t have trouble falling asleep, either.

Slept ok, about the same as any other day. Hard to get the best sleep when you’re on a lumpy futon mattress. Maybe when we get our taxes back we can look into a better mattress, idk. It’d be nice to just share a bed with Dave again, but there’s nowhere for my stuff. I just feel like… we’ve really gone all out with having our own spaces.

Got Casey up on time, but barely. He got dressed and then went in by Dave, who was still in his bed. I’d thought he was going in early to work out before work, but guess not. So Casey chatted with him for long enough to be too late to catch the bus. So I got him some breakfast and drove him to school.

Came home, got my coffee, got on SL to park, Wiz to garden, and DDO for the dice roll before finally getting on Aura. Colin joined me and played on his character while I started dailies on mine. I just didn’t have it in me to do all the dailies to level to 95, but what else was I going to do to beat that dungeon?

In the early afternoon, Autumn said she was tempted to go ahead and try the dungeon. She died a few times, but in the end came out victorious. It gave me hope, that maybe I could beat it as well. So, I went in, and died so many times I finally gave up. I was even switching my secondary class back and forth to try and come up with the best strategy, which ended up being the Reaper. Reaper is Autumn’s primary class, and with that class you can spawn “Devils” to help you in battle. The primary skill I used with Sorcerer as my secondary was a heal. Reaper had better attack benefits. But even with the better attacks, I just couldn’t do it.

Finally it was time to get off the call with Colin and go get Casey from the bus. He looked tired again, but still in a good mood. He’d said yesterday that kids were pushing him around and teasing him in the bathroom at the sink where they all crowd around and wash their hands. I just told him that I’m sure everybody gets pushed around there, and that he does kinda take his sweet time washing his hands. He agreed and all was well. He said they were pushing him around again today, but that overall it was a good day. That’s good at least.

He wanted to play Minecraft again, so I got him situated on there. I actually got on and played with him. Since the Realm is now in Creative mode, I was able to teleport to a distant land and start building my dream house. Worked on that for a while.

Dave got home and Casey asked him about something to eat, and Dave made a big fuss about Casey eating fruits and vegetables. Casey pitched a fit and tried to come back into my room to get on his computer, but I was like, “Uh uh.” I turned off his laptop and put it away, while he closed himself in his room, screaming and crying for a while before finally calming down, coming out and apologizing for being a monster.

He ended up eating some peanut butter toast, and then was hungry for more food. He said he wanted mac & cheese, so I got up to go make it for him. Meanwhile, Dave’s coming back in the kitchen and telling Casey he needs to eat a fruit or vegetable before he can eat the mac & cheese. Tired of Casey’s antics and refusal to eat what we eat, I told him I had no problem eating his mac & cheese if he didn’t want to even try a fruit or vegetable first. He finally ate a baby carrot and then his mac & cheese. I sat and ate jambalaya with him.

After dinner, I sat down and scrolled through Facebook for a little bit. Saw a couple “share-worthy” things, but tired of looking at it. I was feeling bored and restless. I ended up just getting in the shower, which was needed anyway.

After my shower, I got Casey to do his important stuff, then I read to him out of his Pokemon Handbook and tucked him in.

I was going to watch Criminal Minds tonight, but then discovered that the new season hasn’t aired yet. So, I’m trying to decide between watching Harlots on Hulu, or getting back on Aura Kingdom or Minecraft. I wouldn’t mind too much building in Minecraft, but don’t want to do anything alone either.

*Time Passes*

Just talked with Autumn, and she’s on Aura Kingdom doing gardening so she can make health potions. I was all into the idea of watching Criminal Minds, but since the new season hasn’t started yet I can’t watch it. Well, I could watch repeats, but I don’t often watch repeats. I’m just not sure I’m in the mood for Harlots, it’s vastly different. I don’t mind playing a game, as long as I’m not playing by myself. So, I’ll get on Aura Kingdom with her and work on some dailies or something.

*Time Passes*

So, I’m working on Undine’s wishes on Aura Kingdom. Eidolons have wishes to be fed certain things, and that makes them stronger. Hers involve cooking. I’m trying to collect or buy the things I need to prepare the dishes she wants. It’s somewhat tedious and very boring, it’s making me sleepy lol. I’m going to try and peck at this for the next hour, if I make it that far, and then go to bed.



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