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Monday & Tuesday

I got up Monday and got some coffee quick while the computer booted, then headed to pick up Casey from Dave’s. I brought him back to my apartment, then we headed to his Therapy appointment. It went fairly well, and we had the opportunity to talk a bit about the recent changes.

After Therapy, we headed to Walmart to get a few things, then back to my apartment. I went and dropped Casey back off at Dave’s and then headed to my own Therapy appointment, where I was able to fill Lisa in on everything that has happened.

After Therapy, I headed back home and showered before getting ready for work.

Work was rough, I spent a fair bit of time in tears in the back from all the pain I was in. Despite all that, I heard from Brad and ended up going to his place after work. He was already in bed, but I woke him up for a bit.

We went to sleep intertwined afterward and slept until just past 6. His alarm woke us up, and I got dressed and headed downstairs and out the door back home. I rinsed off in a quick shower, then got dressed and packed our bags quick before I went to pick Casey up.

We headed to Speech and OT in Sparta. They went well as well.

After Speech and OT, we headed back to my apartment to grab my weighted blanket. Then we stopped by my work for gas and snacks. I let Britney know that I would need to speak with her about what had happened over the weekend, whenever we could get together.

We got on the road and drove all the way to Appleton without stopping. There, I only stopped at Chick-Fil-A for a small meal to eat while driving the rest of the way to my parents’ house.

We spent a little while at my parents’ house, then I went and checked me and Casey into the hotel. I laid down for a while before heading back to my parents’ house for dinner. We got food and froyo from a place about a block away.

After we were done eating, we headed back to the hotel and crashed for the night.



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