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Monday & Tuesday

Got up and got my coffee, then got on SL to park while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back home and got onConan to refresh the bases. Then I hopped on Aura Kingdom to take care of the Auction House stuff. Then it was on to Blade & Soul for the day. Talked to Colin for a short while, but he was feeling awful so he ended up going back to bed.

I didn’t really feel like sitting around the house, so I headed to the Sparta Walmart instead and returned one of the purses I’d recently bought. I stopped in the Subway inside there to have a quick breakfast, then I headed to Ace Hardware to get a couple of cleaning supplies, I like the Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day and it’s the only place in town that carries them. After that I peeked around Slumberland because I had a $25 off a $49 purchase coupon. I didn’t see anything that I was interested in though. After that I headed to the Tomah Walmart to return the other (identical) purse I’d bought. Lol, I’d bought one online and the other in-store and decided not to keep either of them. Once I’d taken care of that return I went to Maurice’s to see if they had any alternative purse options in stock. They didn’t. Finally I went by Taco Bell to get some lunch to take home.

Blade & Soul was still running when I got in, so I worked on farming a bit in Moon Refuge with some of the other folks from the clan and discord server until it was time to go get Casey.

Daniel was there to pick up Michael, and Michael asked about playing on the playground at the school. I offered if they wanted to come to our neighborhood and go to one of the parks there instead, and they said yes. Got Casey to sit on the toilet for a while, since Daniel and Michael ran to the store. Once they were at our house, we headed out and to the park. The boys played for a while, but Casey continued his shenanigans about Michael supposedly trying to hurt him when that was not the case. I told him he was going to start getting in trouble for that.

They played for about 45 minutes and then we headed back to my house. Daniel and Michael headed home and Casey and I headed in for some dinner.

Casey spent the rest of the evening with his tablet or making things out of construction paper, so I was on Blade & Soul doing miscellaneous stuff to occupy myself until it was time for him to get ready for bed.

I also randomly looked up information about endometrial ablations and if it was possible to have children after. I’d been informed by the doctor at the time that it would not be possible, but come to find out the uterus can actually heal after that surgery. If I start having a regular cycle, then get a tubal reversal, it is indeed possible. This was excellent news, it means that the deal-breaker is nonexistent. *If* Daniel ever feels about me how I feel about him, we could *try* to have another baby together.

Got Casey tucked in, then got back to Blade & Soul and ran dungeons with the guys from the clan and discord server. Got to bed around 11:30.

Got up today and got some coffee, then got on SL to park while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, and then sent Daniel a naughty text. He asked if I wanted to get together, and I said yes. He came over, and we spent a couple hours doing naughty things lol. The subject came up about him thinking I’d said I couldn’t have kids anymore, and I told him about recently finding out that it was possible if I had a tubal reversal. He, seemed quite excited at the news, but he didn’t comment. I’ll love him forever, so I’ve got all the time in the world to wait and see if he’ll ever feel the same about me.

Once he was gone, I got on Blade & Soul and ran dungeons with the guys from the clan and discord server until it was time to go pick up Casey from school.

Picked Casey up and brought him home, had him get on the toilet, and then he started working on more construction paper projects. So, I stayed on Blade & Soul and worked on doing some of my dailies.

When Dave got home, he had a crate and some hanging file folders for Casey to use to organize his construction paper so we could keep the table clear. I spent some time helping Casey get it organized, and then cleaned off the kitchen table.

After that, Casey went downstairs to watch TV for a bit, and I got back to my dailies on Blade & Soul until it was time to get Casey ready for bed. Got him tucked in, then got back on Blade & Soul. I traded in some of the things from all the dailies to get some XP charms and got my Hongmoon level up to 15. Totally worth it.

Now I’m working on this sort of dungeon called the Tower of Infinity, to work towards getting another soul badge since I found out today that there’s a legendary I can make with one I have and one I need that will enhance my primary skills. I wish I’d known about that before farming and buying the stuff for the first two soul badges.

Once I’m done with this I’m hoping that me and the guys can run a dungeon or two before bed, but we’ll see. There’s an update coming tomorrow morning that will make some of them easier so we may not be working on any tonight anymore.

I’ll just, break here and submit this later lol.

So, I wanted to do some dungeons with the guys, but they were doing other things. I did one dungeon with a group of randoms, but then just went back to farming stuff. It’s late enough now and I’m tired enough, it’s time for bed.



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