So, Casey was having trouble getting up this morning. He got disobedient about getting dressed for school and started throwing a fit. I ended up dressing him, even had to put his snow gear on him. In the midst of all this, I took away his tablet and locked his playroom. We get to school on time, actually a few minutes earlier than normal. On my way back to my car, I see Courtney, my neighbor across the street, and mention that I had to take stuff away because of his behavior, and she commented about it being the time change. I felt like such an ass all day after that. The time change affects kids more than it does adults. Especially when you’re losing an hour. When he got home from school, we made up and all was well, and I’d already returned his tablet to his room and unlocked his playroom so he was happy.
We went to the Dollar Tree after lunch to pick up some St. Patrick’s day stuff to make the snacks for his school party, and couldn’t resist getting 6 dozen pencils to split, plus giant erasers. Had to get the food stuffs at Aldi, though.
I got some more RAM in the mail for my laptop. I’m glad I opened the back before ordering, so I already knew I only needed one stick of 8gb to double. It took ages for the mail to get delivered, but once it was I got the RAM installed and now everything’s running even better!
I watched another episode of NCIS: New Orleans tonight, so now I’m exactly 1 week behind on everything. I want to keep up with it better. Over the winter, they space their episodes out more, which is probably the only reason I got caught up like I did.
My stomach’s been agitated all day. I didn’t feel like cooking or eating, but made spaghetti for dinner and made myself eat a plate. It was good, at least. The plan is to make tacos tomorrow, but Dave made this soft taco meal for his lunch for the week so I’ll have to remember to warn him in advance, in case he wants to pick up something else for himself, or maybe just have leftover spaghetti.
He was pretty decent today, thankfully.
My knee, on the other hand, has been pretty sore.
That’s about it tonight. Just sitting on SL listening to these people have a conversation on voice in my shop.