Got up around 8:30 and heard Casey talking about pancakes with daddy. Dave was in the bathroom, and I was eager to get stuff loaded and hit the road. After Dave was done on the toilet he got in the shower, so I went ahead and got dressed. Casey got his pancakes, then got dressed as well and we headed out.
Drove a couple hours northeast to Merrill to visit my grandma, as well as my aunt & uncle and my childhood best friend, Michelle. All my cousins were out of town, but that was fine since seeing my grandma again was my number 1 priority.
Arrived in Merrill and stopped at the McDonald’s to have a late lunch, then headed to the nursing home. Found my grandma’s room and spent about an hour with her. Casey was getting antsy and I didn’t want him to make her anxious with his behavior.
After we left the nursing home, we stopped by Walmart to get some gatorade and a snack for in the hotel room. Then we went and checked in, got settled and rested for a while.
Headed to my aunt & uncle’s around 5, chatted and had some chili with a grilled cheese, then they were heading out to visit grandma so Casey and I headed back to the hotel.
We were only at the hotel a little while this time, because Michelle and her family were on their way to the Culver’s a short while away and we went there to spend some time with them. Since I’d eaten, I wasn’t that hungry, but I got some cheese curds anyway. Casey got chicken tenders but didn’t eat very much at all, so I wouldn’t let him have any ice cream.
A little after 8, we headed back to the hotel room and got settled in for the night. It took Casey a while to fall asleep because of some noisy neighbors. I stayed up and got on Aura Kingdom with Cyn.
She ended up asking me about creating new characters to level together. I wasn’t too crazy about playing another character, but I had been thinking about playing that again and it would make sense to start a new character since my main is stuck on a hard dungeon and I’ll have to grind out a few levels before I attempt it again. So, we both created new characters and then played them for a while before I went to bed.