Got up relatively early so I could accompany Dave and Casey to the Mud Assault Run. Had a latte while getting the computer booted up and parked on SL, then got dressed and ready to go.
The kids run was first and Casey didn’t seem to thrilled about it. He got a bit muddy, but Dave said he didn’t do all the obstacles for one reason or another. He was supposed to get a participation medal after, but he said he didn’t want it because he hadn’t done everything.
Dave and Casey ate a bit while waiting for the adult runs to start, and Dave asked Casey if he wanted to do the adult run with him. Casey said yes, so once they were done eating they headed off with the next group.
I trekked through tall grass on a hill to take pictures of them at the lily pad obstacle. I accidentally took video instead, and then couldn’t figure out how to get back to picture mode in time to snap a few. By the time I got back to the tents with the crowds, my knee was aching.
For the rest of the time while they were playing in the mud together, I sat at the benches under the tent and played on my phone when I wasn’t watching for the boys to return. I occasionally went over to the parking lot to vape, since there were families around it didn’t seem appropriate to vape in front of the kids.
I saw the mom of one of my scouts with her older son when they returned, so we chatted a little bit. She has never seemed all that personable to me, though.
The boys finally returned, and I was able to get pictures of a smiling Casey running with Dave across the finish line. Casey looked exhausted, though. And they were both filthy. I totally would have participated if not for my knee, despite the filth.
They got rinsed off a bit and we headed back to the car, me taking it very slowly because of the pain in my knee. When we got to the car, Casey asked about his medal. They were all out of medals by then, and he got upset over it. Dave started fruiting out over not being able to just have fun with Casey, that he always had to pull something like this. I kinda see his point, but his behavior was unnnecessary.
We headed through the McDonald’s drive-thru on the way home and got some food. I ran a bath for Casey before we all ate, but then fiddled around on my computer a bit before joining. Mostly because I thought I should rest my knee some more.
After dinner, Casey laid around watching stuff on his tablet and I logged onto Conan to refresh the bases. Then I hopped on DDO to deal with the Auction House stuff. Then I got on Antaria Online for a bit.
I heard from Cyn and she wanted to do something together, and I ended up finding out that Antaria Online could be played for free in browser via Kongregate, so she tried it.
I got a call from my dad, my grandma is not doing well at all. Pretty much, time to say goodbyes. I tried for a while before finally getting through to talk to her, and she asked that I not try and come visit.
Kept playing Antaria Online with Cyn until she finally said she wasn’t that into it. We tried looking at other games, but her computer started acting up. She finally admitted that it’s not just certain games that does it, it’s anything she does on her computer. But she said she’s not going to stop playing the games that give her computer a hard time. So then I mentioned that it’d been a while since we’d been on Aura Kingdom.
Soon as I get logged into Aura Kingdom, I get an IM from Daniel. He wants to set up profiles as a couple on various sites to try and find other couples to play with. It was kind of a defining-the-relationship talk, considering I said it’s been 8 months and I refer to him as my boyfriend. He did not seem opposed, at all.
I proceeded to work on updating the SwingLifeStyle profile to remove Dave and add Daniel. Unfortunately, they put the profile through a review process that can take some time. But, since the account is a lifetime paid account, it should be quicker.
I ended up moving all the old camera phone pictures from the phone’s SD card over to the computer to make it easier to upload pictures I’ve taken over the years. I can usually access all those photos from the cloud anyway, so shouldn’t be a problem.
Talked with Daniel quite a bit into the night, tried to get him to let me come over but he was at a friend’s house. Finally relented and went to bed, though I desperately wanted to see him.