I dropped Casey off at Dave’s around noon, then headed to Walmart to pick up a grocery order I’d placed the night before. After collecting the order, I headed home, frustrated that Cassie was making a racket. I quickly got most of the stuff put away. I had a lunch date I had to leave for, though, with a guy named Ryan I met on Tinder. So, I snuck back out, hoping Cassie didn’t notice.
I let Lisa, my neighbor, know that I was only out for lunch, and she kept me updated about the constant noise. She did text me at one point that it’d gotten quiet, but then the barking resumed.
Lunch was nice, and I got along well with Ryan. I invited him over to continue the date since I was worried about Cassie bothering Lisa. Apparently, the CBD treats were not working.
When we got to my place, I could hear the barking coming from the front of the apartment. I knew right away that Cassie had escaped the kennel again. She’d destroyed the blinds in the living room and my bedroom, again, and had accidents in Casey’s room. It was the last straw, she would need to go.
Ryan and I had talked about her some, and he said that she probably just needed to live on a farm with people who are always there, so she had the attention she needed as well as space to run freely and hunt. I knew I had to do what was best for all involved, including Cassie, so I let the foster people know that she needed to be returned.
At first, they said they wouldn’t be able to collect her until Monday morning, but I told them I needed it sooner because I had to work on Sunday and couldn’t have her destroying more things in the apartment. Cat then texted me that they’d come and get her after they were done with their shopping.
The conversation got really awkward with Ryan at that point, and he was getting ready to head out so I could spend some time with Cassie. I started crying, upset about having to give her back, and he embraced me to provide comfort. It was nice. Then, after several minutes, he kissed me. We stood there making out for several minutes, he’s a good kisser. Then, one thing led to another and we ended up in my bed. Neither of us was expecting to take things to that level so soon, but it was good.
He left after that because I really did need to spend some time with Cassie before she was picked up. I let her out of Casey’s room, snuggled her, and cried for a few minutes, then launched Black Desert. It would do neither of us any good to snuggle until she was picked up, it would only make it that much more difficult for me to let her go.
I tried calling Dave’s phone to talk to Casey, but there was no answer. I texted Dave to have Casey call me. He did a while later, and I let him know that Cassie was getting picked up. I wanted to offer to bring her by so he could give her a hug and a kiss before she was picked up, but then I got a text from Cat that they’d be at my place 5 minutes later. So, I asked if he wanted to do a video so he could see her one more time. Dave said that wasn’t fair, that I needed to let him hug and kiss her. I got defensive at first, saying that I’d just found out they were on their way, but then I said “YOU stay out of this.” Casey video called me on Facebook and got to see Cassie again, but he was more excited about possibly getting a cat now instead of having a dog.
She finally got picked up and I got back to playing Black Desert. I’d made plans to have drinks with Tommy after he got off work later at night, but I was too bummed to make it out. He was very understanding, actually was the one who suggested that we reschedule. I let him know the next time I was off work, we’ll just have to see if it works out to meet up then.
Shawn was trying to finish leveling my Guardian to 58 at Trees, but he kept dying and required a 3rd character to either help heal or help do damage. I don’t know what it is about his character, if it’s the weapons or armors or skills being used, but he can’t carry himself at trees like I can with my Witch. We found a 3rd to help us for a while, but then that person said they were going to smoke and never came back. I got tired, so I headed to bed.