I’d set my alarm for 6:15 Saturday morning, because breakfast would be served at 7. I don’t think I slept a wink, but I didn’t feel exhausted either. I was groggy, but not exhausted.
Got Casey up and we got freshened up and then headed on to breakfast. We met back up with Michael and his dad, and sat with them as well as the pack leaders’ kids. It was a different kind of pancake this time, it was more like it was made in a cake pan. It was better than the pancake we got last month when we were there. Of course, I ate mine and Casey’s sausage and my mandarin oranges, Casey would only eat the pancake. Oh well, at least he ate I guess.
After breakfast we attended the flag ceremony, and then we were able to split off to do a couple other activities. Casey wanted to do the BB gun again, but as we were waiting it started to snow and the wind picked up. I told Casey he’d have to remove his mittens to shoot the BB gun, and also that he’d have to kneel and hold the gun up like the other kids. He decided he didn’t want to do that after all, which was what I expected. We weren’t really interested in the other activities either, so we ended up just heading home. I exchanged numbers with Michael’s dad, Daniel, before we left so we could get the boys together from time to time outside of school and Cub Scouts.
I wanted to stop at McDonald’s on the way home, but little exhausted Mister didn’t want to stop, he just wanted to go home. Then as soon as we got home, all he wanted to do was get on Minecraft. I’d hoped he’d take a nap. Oh well.
I got caught up with my usual online stuff, got parked on SL and did my free book & paid emails.
Got Casey to bed at a reasonable time, and then stayed up and got on Wiz for a bit. An acquaintance I’d friended some time ago was on and asking for help with a dungeon I’d done before, so we did that.
Then I headed to bed, it was about 12:30am.
Didn’t sleep very well, but got to sleep in until about 10. I woke up feeling stiff and sore, I’d hoped I’d have woke up feeling a lot better after a good night’s rest.
Got my coffee, got on SL and got dressed for the day, took care of my free book & paid emails, and have otherwise spent the day scrolling through Facebook. It’s ridiculous how I have almost 300 Facebook friends and yet only see posts from the same handful each day. There was a “fake news” article going around about some new algorithm that only shows you 25 friends’ posts or something, but I have wondered since first seeing that if it were really fake news.
Dave said he was going to Woodman’s a little after noon. I figured I had about 2 hours or so. I’d have asked Colin if he wanted to talk, but Casey was in my room playing Minecraft. Dave didn’t get back 2 hours later, more like 4. I commented about him having been out a while, and turns out he’d met up with some girl for lunch and then gone to the mall to walk around for a while with her. Would have been nice to know in advance, but I suppose it doesn’t matter much either way.
I asked Casey if he wanted to go grab a bite to eat for lunch, shortly after Dave’d left, and then go with me to Walmart so I could get my hair trimmed, but he said no.
Dave eventually divulged that he’d ran into a coworker when he was at the mall with the other girl, bet that was awkward.
Casey’s eating a late dinner, and then I’ll get him tucked into bed. I haven’t worked out yet what I’m going to do tonight before I hit the hay myself. I logged into Wiz a short while ago to see if Kaitlyn was on, she is but I haven’t heard from her yet about doing that dungeon again. So, not sure if I’m going to do that or maybe watch NCIS.