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I had set my alarm for 10:30, but Dave had Casey making a ruckus in my room around 9, and I was too hot in bed anyway so I just got up.

We’d gotten some Donuts from Paul Bunyan to bring home, so had that for breakfast with my coffee while I got dressed in SL and tended my gardens on Wiz. I went downstairs to fluff my clothes that were in the dryer, because I needed to get my sheets in the washer as well. Dave already had stuff in the washer, though, so I just set my sheets on the floor and headed back upstairs while my clothes were getting toasty again.

Got Sims loaded, but then I went to grab my laundry out of the dryer and put my sheets in the washer. Unfortunately, despite me having my sheets sitting on the floor waiting to be washed, Dave had started something in the washer anyway. So, I just grabbed my stuff from the dyer and brought it upstairs and got it folded. Then I just left it sitting on my bed while I played on Sims. I needed the rest for my knee, it was really killing me.

Dave was busy doing all kinds of cooking and cleaning, and mentioned that he put my sheets in the washer for me. That was really nice of him, considering how bad my knee is.

My dad arrived shortly after 1 and played with Casey outside for quite a while. They took a break inside to cool off, so I asked my dad to help me flip and rotate my mattress. Then he went and took Casey back outside to play some more. Because of the lack of sleep I’d gotten the night before, I ended up spreading a blanket on my bed and taking a nap. I vaguely remember hearing my dad talking to Dave as he was getting ready to head to the hotel.

I woke back up around 6, just as dinner was ready. Dave had grilled up some kale veggie burgers and some corn. Sat down and ate dinner, then took care of my free book & paid emails. After those were done, I launched Sims again.

Put Sims on pause around 8 so I could go shower. Standing in the shower made my knee hurt so bad I ended up in tears again. While I’d been napping, Dave had finished my sheets and gotten my comforter in the dryer. By the time I was out of the shower, everything was dry and ready to be put back on my bed. Considering the time, I went ahead and did that before sitting down after my shower. It was a situation of knowing that, if I sat down, I wouldn’t get up again for a while. I was crying a lot while putting the bedding back on. Casey said that daddy was supposed to do everything for me because my knee was hurting. I said it wasn’t fair for daddy to have to do EVERYTHING. He was pretty insistent, though.

I sat back down and played Sims some more while resting my knee. A little after 9, Dave helped Casey get his “important stuff” done. Meaning, he picked out some underpants and PJs for him, helped him brush his teeth and wash his face. Once that was done, I went and read to him. Then, I came on here and started updating from the last few days. I was originally going to do one post for all 3 days, but that would have been a super long post.

So, it’s 11 now. I’m tired but not sure if I’m ready for sleep yet. Getting there, I think. I’m kinda hoping that I can make it until Colin’s up so I can talk to him for a bit before bed again.



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