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Sunday & Monday

Got up Sunday morning, earlier than expected, and was invited to join Dave & Casey at Sparta Family Restaurant for breakfast. So, off we went. It was good, I had an omelette with hash browns and pancakes.

Headed back home, and I got on Aura Kingdom for a bit to check things. Then I launched Minecraft.

Dave started bitching about supposed messes I’d made but didn’t bother getting off my lazy ass to clean up. I hadn’t made any messes that I hadn’t cleaned up, except for *some* of the dishes that were in the sink and on the counter.

Casey joined me and Autumn on Minecraft and we continued doing the usual stuff on there, a bit of exploration and also trying to get supplies up that we’d need for potions and whatnot. Played on there on and off throughout the rest of the day.

We ended up turning mobs on so we could do some hunting, but when we went to the Nether I slipped and fell a long ways. I had 1 heart remaining, but then a ghast shot me and I died. We got into Creative to get what we could of my stuff, and Autumn suggested just replenishing what was missing via Creative.

Got Casey a bath after another horrible mess in his underpants, and then it was time to get him ready for bed.

Once he was tucked in, got back to Minecraft with Autumn until I was ready for bed myself.

Monday, got up later than I would have liked, got my latte and got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then came home and got on Aura Kingdom to check things and re-list items on the auction house.

Tried getting on Conan to refresh the bases, but the server was still down from the restart. Then it was time to go to therapy.

Therapy went well, Lisa was glad I had at least had one more post-it than I’d had the last visit. We talked about a lot of things, and of course she wants me to keep working on the post-its.

After therapy, I headed to Walmart to get some groceries, as well as some more pants for Casey because he seems to have gotten taller and needs pants that are longer. I got some frozen meals for myself for my dinners, because I can’t keep cooking meals for two and having only one of us eating them.

Got home and got groceries put away, then got a call from the Walmart Vision Center that my glasses were ready. I’d forgotten a few things at Walmart anyway, so I headed to go pick them up. I casually mentioned to Colin that I was going to go pick them up, and he offered to accompany me via Hangouts. We talked a bit, but it just felt off.

My glasses will take a bit of getting used to, but they’re definitely right. The only thing is, later in the day I did notice some smudges on the right lens that I can’t wipe off. May have to take them back to check.

While I was doing that, Colin kindly refreshed the bases for us on Conan. I’d explained that I hadn’t been able to get on.

Came back home and got on Minecraft. Mostly did some fishing on there, until it was time to go pick up Casey. When I was ready to get out of the car, Colin got off so he could eat and go to bed.

Came back home and had Casey get on the toilet. I continued on with Minecraft. After he was done in the bathroom, he joined me.

When Dave got home, he seemed pisses about the frozen meals I’d gotten for myself. He claims he’s eaten what I’ve cooked, but that he just eats small portions. Dude. Eat like a man. Oh, and stop preparing soups for yourself and then telling me that you’re eating what I’m cooking.

Casey and I stayed on Minecraft until it was time to get him ready for be.d Autumn and I did more exploring while Casey worked on building a farm. It seemed far enough away from the other structures.

Got Casey ready for bed, and then resumed Minecraft with Autumn. But, I was already tired, so I didn’t stay up too late.



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