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I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home. I spent some time just looking through Facebook until my free book & paid emails started arriving.

I noticed fairly early that Daniel was online on AdultFriendFinder. I was hoping maybe he was on to update his profile to show that we are no longer together. He’d taken down my pics, or at least moved them to a private album anyway, but the text of the profile was still very much about me and what I’d written. I kept an eye on it, but he wasn’t on to change that. He was probably talking to chicks.

I went ahead and took care of my free book & paid emails, then tried to start work. I got a phone call from a strange number and decided to answer it. I should have known better since I get so many spam calls. It was someone claiming to be from LegalShield saying that I’d submitted my information for a work from home opportunity. I calmly informed them that I have not submitted my information to such a web site. They got argumentative and accused me of lying, or of not being careful enough with my devices. I asked them to not contact me again and hung up, and the asshole started texting me the same accusations. I said I would contact an attorney about the harassment. I ended up changing my phone number instead. I’ve been feeling harassed by all these phone calls from North Carolina numbers and the spam texts I get, this was the last straw. I was sure to update my phone number on Facebook first, so friends and family could easily get the new number. I sent messages to a few people with the new number as well. The timing couldn’t be better, though, considering I’m trying to avoid Daniel as much as possible. At the same time, he’ll probably end up with the new one through Scouts anyway. Also, all the people from the lifestyle I’d been in touch with would no longer be able to contact me, and I was thankful for that as well.

After that, I finally got started with work. I was incredibly distracted, though, so only got in about an hour’s worth. I went back to just looking at Facebook until it was time to head to the dentist.

What had distracted me was messages from Mandie. She wanted to know what I thought about her snooping around on Daniel’s Facebook, if I would want to know what she found and if I would be mad at her if I did. I said that yes I’d want to know, and no I wouldn’t be mad. She told me that he’d sent her a friend request a couple days before and they had talked on Wednesday for a while. She sent me screenshots of the entire conversation. I got on a call with Mindi and read it to her, letting her know that I was reading it for the first time as I read it out loud. When I got to the end, I scoffed at how everything he had said to Mandie was crap that Mindi had told me Sunday he’d said to her over the years. When Mandie first sent me the screenshots, she said it seemed he wanted to make sure that he got to play as well, and when I wasn’t finding women for him to play with he was done and moved on to the next who would. But when I told her that Mindi had previously told me that he’d told her all those same things, it reconfirmed for her that he’s just a douche bag and I need to stay away from him.

Anyway, the dentist appointment went much better than my last one. This hygienist had a much more gentle approach which I strongly prefer. I went ahead and scheduled some dental work I’d been putting off for financial reasons and headed back home.

I only had a few minutes at home to relax until it was time to go pick Casey up from school. I got him and brought him home, and he got straight on the toilet. I went back to looking at Facebook for a while.

I was able to get in about another hour of work before we had to get ready for Cub Scouts. Casey had asked about going outside to play, but Dave had told him no and I was working so couldn’t. Once I was done with work I got everything put together to take with to Cub Scouts.

I had no reason to expect Daniel at the meeting since Michael was on a Disney cruise with his mom, but I worried that his stalker tendencies would give him an excuse to show up anyway. Fortunately, I was able to get through the entire meeting with no sign of him.

Once we got back home, I found out Dave had ordered a Taco Pizza for his dinner. I’d already eaten but had done so fairly early after having skipped lunch. I went ahead and grabbed a plate. Casey had a breadstick and then got ready for bed.

Once Casey was tucked in, I watched an episode of NCIS: New Orleans. Tommy started messaging me in the middle of it, and I got the feeling he was thinking about asking me out. Once the show was over, I dropped plenty of hints indicating I wanted something to do that didn’t involve a computer game. He never did ask me out, so I ended up squeezing in the last bit of work for the day instead.

After I was done with work, I went ahead and got into bed.



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