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Woke up early as usual. Peed in a cup while the computer was booting, then got parked on SL. I had to skip the latte because I had a fasting blood test scheduled for 8am. They’d be testing for pregnancy, as well.

Wasn’t really feeling the best, but managed to get it out of my system by the time I had to take Casey to Summer Pack. Dropped him off and headed straight to the clinic. Once my blood test was done, I went back home. The rest of the day would be spent waiting.

I did have a dental appointment at 9:40. It went ok, but the hygienist was being unnecessarily rough with the pick. I joked that it was the sort of BDSM I am not into, and that it felt like my mouth was raped by the pick. It was bad.

Didn’t really do much of anything during the wait. It kinda drove me nuts a bit. Shortly after lunch, when the result was finally online, I checked. Same amount of hcg in my blood as a week prior. Great. Then why am I getting all these faintly positive home tests, and why am I experiencing all these pregnancy symptoms??

I was still waiting to hear from the doctor before saying anything to Daniel, but I preemptively told him that if it did come out negative it would only raise more questions than answers. I also sent him the picture of Tuesday’s test, showing a much more noticeable faint line.

In the meantime, I went to the dollar store and Walmart for a variety of tests. So far, pink line tests have shown no line at all while blue line tests have. I don’t know if it’s just because my eyes are better at seeing blue versus pink, or what. Came back home and peed in a cup again, and did 4 simultaneous tests. One of them did show an extremely faint line, the others were all negative.

Picked Casey up at the usual time and brought him back home. Had him get on the toilet, and then he spent the rest of the day with Super Mario Maker. He really wants the 2nd one now that it’s out, but we don’t have a Nintendo Switch.

Around 3:30 I called the doctor’s office, and come to find out my doctor wouldn’t be back in the office until Monday. That’s just peachy. I had the receptionist leave a message for her nurse to call me back. I was nervous because it was getting close to the time when Dave could get home from work, and I knew he’d eavesdrop.

At around 4:45 I called the clinic again, and was speaking with another receptionist when I got an incoming call. Finally the nurse was calling me. In talking with her, she said it may just be too early for a full positive test result. She said she’d leave the information with my doctor and have my doctor call me on Monday.

I did some looking to see if there were women out there who’d had negative blood test results but were indeed pregnant, and there were stories of women who didn’t get a positive pregnancy test until they were FOUR MONTHS along!

I was getting worried about all sorts of things. First, am I crazy?? No, Cyn, Laurie, and Diane have all seen the faint line. And I know Cyn would be honest with me if there was no line. Is it possible it’s just an evap (evaporation) line? I did research on that, and determined no, it’s not possible. Although they seem to be more common in blue line tests, evap lines don’t even show up until after 10 minutes when the urine has dried out, and they’re thinner. They also wouldn’t show up on EVERY test. So no, it’s definitely not an evaporation line I’m seeing.

Mandie and Cyn were both urging me to go to the ER and demand an ultrasound. It *could* show something as early as 3 weeks, and I’d be 4 weeks now. It also may not show anything until 6-8 weeks though.

Dave got home and said he was taking Casey to the downtown music thing that was going on, so I decided to go ahead and try the ER. That was a nightmare.

The nurse checking me in seemed understanding, but then the doctor said 1) it’s not possible for me to be pregnant with my surgical history and 2) it’s not possible I’m pregnant if I had a negative blood test. I’ve done plenty of research that all says to the contrary though! I didn’t stand my ground, though. He wanted to do a blood test, a urine test, and an abdominal xray. Gave them some pee and blood and when the radiologist came to get me I decided I couldn’t go through with it. If I were pregnant, having an xray done could harm the baby.

The doctor came back in and said that all my labs came back normal and the next step would be an abdominal xray. No, asshole, the next step would be an ultrasound to see if there’s ANY sign of pregnancy. I got up, got dressed, and went home.

All I wanted to do when I got home was get in the shower, but Dave and Casey were already back and Dave was in the shower. I waited until about 15 minutes after he was out, then got in.

Once I was out of the shower, I had Casey get ready for bed. He said he was having a slumber party with Dave, so once he was finally ready I tucked him in there.

Ended up eventually getting on the Ancient Egyptian Minecraft world with Cyn for a little while before bed.



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