I feel like I’m typing the same thing every day here, for the most part. It’s kinda, idk, almost depressing, but there’s little excitement in my life right now because of my knee problems.
Got to bed at a more reasonable time Wednesday night. Slept about the same as usual for lately. Woke up with the alarm on Thursday morning. Colin’s new new computer arrived so he was working on getting things up and running on it. I got on SL and got dressed, took care of my free book & paid emails, then hopped on Minecraft.
Casey joined me and we played together on and off the rest of the day.
I did get to talk to Colin for a little while after he got his new computer running with the basics.
I was supposed to go to physical therapy at 2, but with my ongoing stomach issues, I had to cancel. I was actually looking forward to it, too. I like this physical therapist, and I think there’s a chance it could help this time.
I never did hear anything from Dave about whether or not we should go to the Dells this weekend, or if he was going to his mom’s for his 2 week vacation, or what.
I didn’t eat much all day because my stomach is still not quite right. I can only attribute it to a combination of the Mexican we had on Tuesday night, and my PMDD flaring up.
Got Casey to bed, probably later than I should. But we just have so much fun together!!
Stayed up later than I should have, playing Minecraft with Autumn. Oh well, it’s fun!
Got up with my alarm today, and Dave was already back from the doctors appointments he’d told me he had. He started asking about going to the Dells, but my stomach was still messed up, so I wasn’t up for it. Besides, fun as it would be, it’s also pretty expensive. It’d probably cost us a good $500 in credit card debt for 2 nights of vacay. He was bitching about never getting to do anything fun because of either money or me being sick. I’m not actually sick that often! But I do have medical conditions that flare up from time to time. Get over it, asshole!
I got on SL and got dressed, then took care of my free book & paid emails, then hopped on Minecraft. Casey joined me after a little while, of course. He spent more time away from the computer than at it, though. That’s good, though. Despite my addiction to technology, I do try and limit his screen time as best as a geek can.
Dave talked to his mom and found out she’d had another seizure about a week ago and was pretty busted up from falling as a result, so he wouldn’t be going to see her, because the house probably hadn’t been cleaned in at least a week. Really? Your mom had another seizure, and your response is to avoid going to visit her because her house isn’t clean? I don’t care that she has the seizures because of what her drinking has done to her brain. She’s still your mother and she’s still all busted up and for God’s sake why can’t you be a good son and clean her house for her?? And get out of my hair for 2 weeks!!
Dave made some Italian sausages with salad and baked beans for dinner, and we sat outside and ate by a small fire in the fire pit. But my knee was killing me from sitting there, so I headed back inside after I was done eating and took a pain pill. I’ve only been taking them “as needed,” even though I should be taking something at least twice a day, even if it’s not the vicodin.
Spent time fishing and doing miscellaneous stuff on Minecraft, then finally got around to exiting “Peaceful” mode. That was an adventure! Casey got to enjoy about half an hour of fighting mobs before his computer time was up for the day, and conveniently I got disconnected from Xbox Live, which is required for Autumn (or anyone) to play with me, so I got started on getting Casey to bed and then started on this post once he was all tucked in.
Going to get back on Minecraft once this is published, but hopefully not stay up too late. Need to get used to getting to bed a little earlier, Casey goes back to school for the summer program starting Monday.