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Thursday & Friday

Got up Thursday, got my latte, and tried to get parked on SL but saw that our internet was out. Got Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back home. Still no internet. Ended up using my phone as a wifi hotspot so I could get connected.

Spent a good bit of time just hanging around or shopping on SL with Autumn. I ended up switching back to my classic body (versus mesh) so I could wear some of my older outfits. I kept my fancy bento head, hands, and feet though.

Picked Casey up from school at the usual time. He was hungry, so I got some food for him. I mentioned to Autumn that I wanted to try out the new Butterfly Kingdom world on Minecraft, but we weren’t sure if Casey would handle it ok, with it being adventure with no building or anything. He said he wanted to try, so we all got on there.

Had a few hiccups, but mostly with Casey’s computer and not that world itself. It was rather tedious trying to have him follow me for certain things we did, but mostly it was nice.

Got Casey to bed, then got back to the Butterfly Kingdom. Spent some time hanging out on there, and then ended up getting back on SL for a little bit before bed. I took her to a couple clubs to check them out, but she wasn’t really fond of the laggy experience.

Got up Friday morning, got my latte and got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him back at school, then headed back home. Autumn was already on SL, which surprised me because she usually sleeps in later. Hung around and chatted for a bit, then I had to go to the dentist.

The cleaning went well. There were a couple of sensitive areas where my gums are receding. Often when I’m clenching my teeth unawares, I later feel like I’d been trying to suck my teeth out of my gums. Wonder if that’s related?

Headed back home and got the stuff in the dryer going again so it’d be nice and toasty when I folded it. I had to fold laundry and pack still to get ready for the camping trip.

Colin got on SL for a bit to see what changes had been made with the Elven Treehome. We talked again about giving up the parcel, but he’s not made a decision yet. At the end of the day, it’s his money. If he wants to keep blowing it on something he doesn’t really even use anymore, that’s on him.

Picked Casey up, brought him home, had him do his thing. Loaded a few things in the car for the camping trip. An hour or so later, they canceled the camping portion due to the forecasted snow.

Autumn and I hung around on SL, mostly just chatting and looking through our clothing. Casey watched movies on the downstairs TV.

Got Casey to bed around the usual time, then got back to SL with Autumn. We went to a gig Sat & Shi were doing on SL. It was fun. After it was over, we headed to bed.



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