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I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then took care of my free book & paid emails before getting on Minecraft for the day. I managed to get the Townhouses finished and was happy with them. It was tedious yet still enjoyable for the most part.

I made sure Casey got all his schoolwork done, and had him get in the bath when he was finished. There he stayed for a couple hours.

I got on Black Desert in the evening but didn’t really do anything. I just kind of hung around for a couple hours.

I sent Brad a text after getting Casey to bed and got almost an immediate response. I ended up going over there to hang out with him after a quick stop at Kwik Trip. We stayed up until around 11, then headed upstairs to bed. We did the usual before going to sleep. He asked me “What are you holding back?” I still didn’t say the words.



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