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I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then waited for Dave to drop Casey off.

We headed out a little after 9 and stopped by my work so I could get gas, then went to Sparta for the OT and Speech appointments. Afterward, we stopped at McDonald’s for some lunch to eat on the way home.

We were only at the house for only a few minutes before we had to leave again. I made sure Casey took his Switch, and we went to my work for the store meeting. Casey got to sit in the back room with us while we went through everything for the meeting. He was very good.

After the meeting, we went back home and I was working on the Switch for Casey because I’d bought him a new game as an early birthday gift. I didn’t have any Micro SD cards that would work so the game would download, so we ran to Walmart and got a new one.

I laid down around 3:30 and took a nap for a couple hours. I was woken up by Dave calling. He’d sent me a text an hour earlier but hadn’t heard back and wanted to know if Casey still wanted to stay with him. He said he’d come to pick Casey up after the news was done.

I got back up and got Casey some dinner. Shortly after he was done eating, Dave stopped by to get him.

I got on Grand Theft Auto for the daily wheel spin, then got on BDO and messed around a bit. I mostly ended up just processing stuff that had been collected by my workers and put into various storage facilities.

I got on SL to basically play dress-up, but Cyn eventually got on and we hung out and chatted. Then I heard from Brad and he said he’d come by. I spent the half-hour waiting for him getting the stuff put away that I’d picked up from Dave’s the day before.

We hung out for a couple hours, with Brad talking my ear off. Then, he said it was bedtime. I’d still been logged into SL, so I told Cyn goodnight and shut everything off for bed.



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