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I woke up at a relatively decent time and saw that Brad had texted me around 1am. I didn’t hear the texts come in though. I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then messed around on Facebook while waiting for my free book & paid emails to arrive. I took care of those, then got on Black Desert for a short while. I didn’t really do anything, but I ended up setting my character up for afk combat & skill training. It’s been a while since I’ve done that and it is helpful.

I took a shower, then Casey and I got ready to go to Sparta for his Speech appointment. The appointment went well, he did really good with it. Afterward, I took him to the Mexican restaurant in town. He mostly just ate chips and cheese dip, a few fries mixed in.

We headed home and I fiddled around with the computer for a bit, but then decided I’d better head to Walmart to get some batteries for flashlights since we were expecting potentially severe weather. So, I did that and headed straight home after.

I was still logged onto Black Desert and tried to participate in a guild boss fight. I kept dying, but still enjoyed it. Then the power started flickering and the sirens went off. I quickly shut everything down to make sure nothing would get damaged if there was a power surge.

The storm turned out to be worse than I’d expected. We had 60mph straight-line winds rip through our neighborhood. We were safe in the basement for the duration. When the worst had passed, we headed upstairs and looked out the windows to see if there was any damage.

From the front stoop, looking across the road at the neighbor's house

From the back glass doors. A tree down completely you can see to the left, to the right is a tree partially downed in our yard.

We really were lucky! Casey was quite shaken. Literally, he wouldn’t stop shivering with anxiety over the storm. We tried to be quiet about the fact that there was more severe weather expected a couple hours later. We could only hope it wouldn’t be as bad or worse.

I booted everything back up and got on Fallout 76 for a bit, but there wasn’t really anything for me to do since I had no one online that could help me with my quests. So, I logged back off and watched an episode of Criminal Minds.

I’d been trying to get ArcheAge to work properly all day, and had even resorted to uninstalling it and trying a fresh install. I wondered if maybe something had messed up when I moved all the files from the internal hard drive to the external one a while back. But that meant downloading a nearly 17gb game twice, one for the free-to-play ArcheAge and one for ArcheAge Unchained. I’d had to pause the install during the storm, but I made sure it was going again after.

I was hoping to hear something from Brad. I’d texted when I got up, letting him know I’d been asleep and hadn’t heard his texts. Then I texted him in the afternoon with a cheesy line. I sent another text around 9:30 as a follow-up to the cheesy line. I wasn’t sure if he’d even be available since he works with utilities and there was so much storm damage. But I still hoped, if nothing else it’d have been nice to hear from him.

Hearing nothing from him, though, after the show was over I messed around on Facebook a bit more until I was ready for bed.



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 Last Updated October 17, 2024 10:11pm 

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