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Tuesday & Wednesday

Definitely didn’t sleep very well Monday night, with the panic attack & all. Woke up feeling utterly exhausted. Somehow managed to get out of bed on time to get Casey off to school.

Did my usual… got on SL to get dressed, then Wiz to check gardens, then onto Sims 4. Played around on there until until my dad arrived to get Casey off the bus and take us to lunch. I did manage to get a little bit of time on Skype with Colin, but not much.

Throughout my morning, I limited myself to a total of 2 cups of coffee. One was a latte, which has less caffeine because it’s just the premixed stuff and not made with actual espresso. I thought it was best to limit my coffee after the panic attack the night before.

My dad arrived around 11 to help get Casey off the bus, and offered to take us out for lunch. I needed a few things at Walmart as well. Just as well, Casey picked the Subway inside Walmart for lunch, lol. I grabbed Casey’s Subway gift card so we could treat my dad to lunch, then we headed out.

Once we ate, I went to grab an electric cart. Unfortunately, the ones on the grocery side were all in use, so I had to hobble all the way over to the home & pharmacy side to get one. Casey wanted to go into the arcade, anyway, so I gave him a couple quarters and hobbled to grab a cart. I don’t know why I didn’t just ask an employee to fetch one for me.

Once I had the cart, I went into the pharmacy section and grabbed a new knee brace. My mom had told my dad I needed a new one from there, and my dad and I agreed that it’d probably be best to alternate between them so they’d last longer. I also picked up a new kind of cold medicine for Casey, hoping it’ll help him better than just plain old Benadryl. By the time I was done in that department, Casey and my dad were headed my way. We went over to the hardware section and got some hose clamps. I’d read that they could fix faulty pneumatic pumps on chairs, and mine is definitely faulty. On the way to pay, I grabbed a cane from the pharmacy department. It was only $10 and I figured it’d help take the pressure off my knee. We went to self check-out and my dad scanned my stuff so I didn’t have to get up. Then he went and paid for my stuff, too lol. I jokingly asked if it was because we’d bought lunch, and he said yeah. Just the way my family is, always trying to do things for each other like that.

When we got back home, Dave was there. I guess all he had to do for his class was report to it. He was working on getting his dress uniform ready. My dad hung out with Casey for a while and I got back on my computer for a bit.

My dad and Casey were outside when the mail was delivered, so Casey brought me the new brace I’d ordered a couple days before on Amazon. So that made 3 hinged knee braces to alternate between. At least one of them was technically free. Also too large and with cheap velcro, but free. I tried the new one on, and discovered it’d take like 4 braces to get the kind of support that was comfortable. And the doctor doesn’t want me to wear any of them.

I tried to update Casey’s Kindle Freetime when he was ready for his tablet. I thought I’d have to do it all on the tablet itself, but when I went to check something on the web site I discovered it can be done there. That’s handy! The apps and videos were super easy to get set up for him. The books, on the other hand, will be a challenge. According to the web site, I have over 10,000 books on my account. Roughly 9,000 of them are freebies. So, I worked on that for a while, but kept having technical issues that were slowing me down, some of them causing me to start all over. I’m not sure I’ll ever get all the kids books added to his Freetime.

My dad left around 4 to go back to the hotel. I went downstairs and played Sonic with Casey on our new Sega Genesis console. We both kinda sucked at it, lol. We also tried several of the other games out. He kicked my ass in the fighter game.

Once I was relatively burnt out on the Sega, I headed back upstairs and left Casey to play some more. Did some stuff on Sims while waiting for Casey’s bedtime.

Once I got Casey tucked in, I decided I was in the mood for something different. I turned on NCIS and watched it, followed by NCIS: New Orleans. I’m several episodes behind on my shows, and it was nice to watch them again.

Got to bed about 11. Didn’t sleep the best, was kinda hot all night. Got up a little earlier than I had been. Got Casey up about the usual time and got him off to school. My knee is a bit better in the mornings after a night’s rest, so getting him to the bus stop isn’t impossible.

On the way back to the house, I checked the mailbox. The packages were brought inside yesterday, but not the mail. I was pretty excited to see that a Sega game I’d ordered had arrived. Paperboy 😀

I headed to my computer, only to realize after sitting down that I’d forgotten to get some coffee. So, I had to get back up to go get it. Once I was settled back in, I got on SL and got dressed, then got on Wiz and checked my gardens, then hopped on Sims 4. Played that for a while. Ended up hearing from Colin and got on Skype with him for a bit, until my dad arrived at 11 to help get Casey off the bus.

So, he’d had to send his new desktop back to the company who made it because he was having so many problems with it. They’d done some testing and fixed a couple things and sent it back to him. He was waiting for it to arrive, expecting it today. It was supposed to arrive between 11 and 12 my time.

I mentioned to my dad that I was going to call the doctor’s office and tell them I wouldn’t be able to pick up a paper prescription, because it was in Onalaska and there’s no way I’d be able to drive there with my knee the way it’s been. He asked if I wanted him to drive me, and I said yeah that’d be helpful. I said we could go either today or tomorrow, and could have lunch somewhere while we were there so it wasn’t an hour and a half’s drive just for a piece of paper. Once Casey got home, we basically left it up to him. He said he wanted to do it today, so I got my purse and we headed out.

I had trouble staying awake on the way there. I’m not sure if it was because of the rain or because of exhaustion. We stopped by the doctor’s office first and I got the prescription. Then we headed towards where the majority of the restaurants are. We ended up at McDonald’s.

Casey said, this time, he wanted the Connect Four little game they had for the Happy Meal toy. Last time he’d gotten Hungry Hippo. So, we told the cashier that’s the one he wanted. She handed one to him. We waited for our food order to be ready, then got our drinks and went into the play area to find a place to sit and eat. I opened Casey’s Happy Meal box to find that they’d also dropped Bop It in there for him! I was pretty excited that he got an extra toy. One time, a year ago now I think, he’d gotten like 3 or 4 *extra* Happy Meal toys and a free McFlurry.

I unpackaged Casey’s new games while I was eating and he played a round of Connect Four with my dad while he ate. He ate his whole meal and then went and played for a little bit. Once my dad and I had had enough, we told Casey to get his shoes back on and headed back home.

While my dad was driving us home, I was able to message Colin a bit. He’d gotten his computer, and it wasn’t working. Same problems as before, possibly even worse.

Once we got home, I headed back to my computer, feeling pretty sore and exhausted after the little trip. I hadn’t even done much walking. But, I was done.

I wasn’t really up to getting back on Sims, so I just did a bit of stuff with my emails. I hadn’t checked my free book or paid emails yet, so took care of that, and then started filtering through older unread emails.

My dad left around 4 again. A little while later, I went to go start with emptying the dishwasher, reloading it, and dinner. I didn’t make it very far before I was in tears. All I’d done was hobble out there and turn the water on to start rinsing dishes, and my knee was just killing me. I had to go sit back down. Naturally, as soon as I did, Casey said he was hungry. I told him to help himself. He said he wanted cereal. I told him he needed to figure out how to get it himself.

I texted with Dave a bit and let him know what was going on, expressing my frustration with the situation as well. He seemed understanding enough. Then I texted my dad, let him know what was going on, and that I’d be needing help with dinner and dishes the next day.

I was so upset about the whole thing, that Colin offered to Skype for a few minutes before he went to bed. Talked with him about everything. Felt a little bit better, I suppose. At least I’d stopped crying, anyway.

Kept going through emails while I waited until it was late enough that I was ready for a shower. Then, hopped in the shower. It wasn’t a long shower, but it was enough to make my knee hurt 10x worse. I was in tears as I hobbled back to my room. On my way there, I noticed Dave’s backpack was in the bonus room. I tried to pull myself together, it irritates him when people cry.

Dave said he’d gotten a bunch of frozen meals for me, to make it easier for me to get dinners ready. That’s good, I guess. Frozen meals, joy. At least it’s something quick an easy. He got the groceries put away and then headed to the bathroom to do his usual routine.

After he was out of the shower, he went and started making dinner. While he was doing that, Casey was snuggling Max. Max ended up getting irritated and biting him. This happens at least once a day. Casey snuggles Max, Max gets fed up and bites. Two valuable things here. First, Casey needs to learn to watch for signs of Max’s agitation. Second, Max really needs to cool it with the biting and hitting. He got me pretty good last night, I had to have Dave put a band-aid on it because it was bleeding pretty bad.

I got Casey to calm down by helping him cut a “window” out of a cardboard box. Casey was making a “box fort house” for Max lol. Max may hit and bite from time to time, but Casey still loves him like crazy.

Dave let me know when dinner was ready, in a rather jerk-like manner. He was irritated coming home and dealing with a crying “wife” and later a crying son as well. Whatever. I went and ate. Casey was hungry again as well, and Dave had made him a PB&J. Once Casey was done eating, I told him to start on his important stuff. I finished eating and sat back down to finish writing the tail end of this.

Had to take another brief break from typing to go tuck Casey in. Now I’m not sure what to do. If I start on NCIS, I won’t get to bed until probably 11:30. I need to try to get to bed earlier than that. So, I guess I’ll go on Sims 4 a bit. The more repetitive I am on it, the more quickly I’ll be ready for bed, too. So, off I go.



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