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I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed while also getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home.

I tried to take care of my free book & paid emails, but my computer was running like crap. It was running like there were Windows Updates, so I checked and saw that there were 4. I finished another cup of coffee while waiting for the updates to finish so I could “Update and Shutdown.”

While waiting on that, I peeked at the Second Life 3rd Party Viewer directory and saw a new one called SpeedLight. I hadn’t heard of it before, and come to find out it is a web-based client! I tested it out, and was so in awe of it I decided to become a Patreon, at least for the time being. I got that setup, and was finished with around the same time the computer was ready to shut down.

I headed to Walmart to get a few things. A few things turned into $100, no doubt I’ll hear Dave bitch about that. The water filters alone cost $20.

I headed back home and put the groceries away, then finished up my free book & paid emails before getting on Astellia. Cyn and I spent the day working on the Star’s Tale, which is kind of like an achievement and collection thing. It was an enjoyable break from actual questing.

I picked Casey up from school at the usual time and took him to the eye doctor for a routine checkup. Indeed he is ready for glasses. The doctor gave him a sort of trial pair to test out and Casey was amazed at the difference it made. I wanted to cry, but his excitement also made me feel excited. We ordered some glasses for him that he liked and they’ll be here in about a week.

We headed back home and Casey got on the Switch, and I returned to Astellia with Cyn. And so we continued for the rest of the evening.

Dave was dismissive about Casey’s need for glasses, despite the fact that both he and I wear them. He spoke like he thought it was nonsense. How can you be like that about your own kid?

I got Casey ready for bed at the usual time, then read to him and tucked him in. I got back to Astellia for a while, working on the Star’s Tale more with Cyn until she was ready for bed.

I was looking at AdultFriendFinder and wanted to see Brad’s profile, but come to find out he’d turned his off! The last time I was at his house I’d told him I’d turned mine off because the site had pissed me off. I’m really curious why he turned his off as well. But I like to take it as a good sign that things are moving in the direction I want them to.

I went ahead and headed to bed after talking to Mindi for a bit about Brad and him turning off his profile.



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