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Wednesday & Thursday

I was doing so well! But then I got so caught up in other things, it just completely slipped my mind to post. UGH!

Woke up at a reasonable time again on Wednesday. Got Casey up on time, fed, and off to school. I wasn’t sure who I was going to see dropping Michael off, but ended up just seeing Daniel’s mom.

Went back home, got my coffee, and got on SL to park. Then got on Wiz to check the gardens, and finally on to some Conan Exiles. Spent the rest of the day fiddling around on there on and off, with Colin. It’s a fun game, a lot like Minecraft but better graphics and human characters.

Picked Casey up from school at the usual time. Had him sit on the toilet as soon as we got home. Stayed on with Colin for a bit and kept playing Conan until Casey was done trying to go potty.

Casey ended up just playing some Mario after he was done on the toilet. So I kept playing Conan.

Dinner was kind of a “find your own” night. I’d suggested getting a Papa Murphy’s pizza, since they had a yummy one for only $8, but Dave said no. That’s fine. I made myself a grilled cheese, and Dave made himself scrambled eggs.

Got Casey ready for bed and tucked in about the usual time. After he was in bed, I got back on Conan after a bit of a break.

Got to bed at a reasonable time, at least. Slept ok, about the same as is the new normal. Got up about the same time I had been since the time change. It’s nice getting up just a little bit earlier, having time for my coffee and whatnot before driving Casey to school.

Got Casey up on time and ready, and off to school. Came back home, got parked on SL, and then checked my gardens on Wiz before hopping on Conan for a bit.

Had to go to the grocery store, so went a little after 9. Got what we needed to get us to the next paycheck. Went back home and put the groceries away, then took care of my free book and paid emails. After that, Colin and I got on Fallout ’76 for the final beta test day. Played on there together until it was time for me to go get Casey from school.

Picked Casey up and went back home. Got him to sit on the toilet for a while, and then he had a snack before we left to go to a Family night at his school. We did a fun craft together, then parents split off from the kids for information about how they’re learning to read in school and how we can help at home. After that, we grouped back with the kids and had a small dinner.

Went back home and Casey watched a bit of TV before it was time to get him ready for bed. He got to stay up a bit later, because there’d be no school on Friday. While he was doing that, I got back on Fallout for just a tiny bit before the beta test was done. Once it was done, I got back on Conan with Colin, since he was actually still up.

Once Casey was ready for bed, I got him all tucked in. Then I went back to Conan with Colin. Played on there until about midnight, then headed off and got into bed.



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