TO tHe XpReSs Youth Club
We started as a club by teens, for teens, many moons ago. We still cater to teens, though we have grown! Welcome to tHe XpReSs!
Rose symbolizes happiness, especially in the matters of love. Here in the "Rose" House, we hope you are VERY lucky in love!
About Becca!
Hi, my name is Rebecca Heartly, my friends call me Becca. I am a freshman at UGA. I know, it's unbelievable that a FRESHMAN is HEAD of the sorority, but I guess you can say I inherited it from my older sister. She graduated from here last year and she left me Rose in her last will and testament. Aren't I so lucky? I am 5'7" with long blond hair and brown eyes.
About Sorority Sisters!
For more info on Sorority Sisters, visit the main site.
In Sorority Sisters, you start at the Alpha level -- the first house -- and depending on your activities with the sorority house, you move to the Beta level, Delta, and then Kappa.
Accomodations per level:
Alpha - 60
Beta - 55
Delta - 45
Kappa - 35
It is harder to get into a higher house. Each house has it's own specifications on what you have to keep up and do, but in general, each sister has to keep posting notes/replies, and participate. Each house leader will determine what pledge you have to do to join the house... Anything else will be posted under that house. Have fun!!!
Rose House Activities!
We do many fun things in Rose House. We post notes on the Bulletin Boards, on the Web, and many many more! We have special chat sessions (for those of us lucky ones that have chat) in which we will get to know fellow members. We will have chat dinners in the RPG chat area. We will have dances in the RPG chat area. Some of these activities are by invitation and depend upon your member status. There may be a few prank wars every now and then between us and the other houses. We will have many parties in the RPG chat area. There will be contests GALORE that you can win! We will be publishing an online magazine which will be located in the web, a future link at the bottom of this page.
These are just a few of the activities we will be participating in. I hope you enjoy being in Rose!
Welcome to our main website where you can obtain club information, house information, and how this role-playing game works.
About Sorority Sisters
The house levels:
Alpha -- 60 people
Beta -- 55 people
Delta -- 45 people
Kappa -- 35 people
The house "chains"
House Leader "Duties"
Sister "Duties"
Latest News
We will be holding elections for TSA Team Captains whenever we get some candidates. The Teams include Romance, Friendship, Family, and Tech Help. If you're interested, contact me! All it takes is for you to have knowledge in one of these areas. No special education required. This is not a professional advice column, this is simply for friend to friend advice.
Advice Column
Every time you email us a problem through here, it will anonymously be posted at our message board with the advice (provided by a TSA Specialist) posted as a reply. Your email address will be shown as "anonymous (because we won't even know it)," but your question will be posted there exactly as you gave it to us, so you should be able to track it just fine.
Email the Head of the Advice Column
View our Advice Message Board
Latest News
Due to our President's current involvement in the United States Armed Forces, we do not have a recently updated page to present to you, our viewers. However, I (the Vice President) have put this page together to let you know that we are still a group and will be getting things back on the road again as soon as we possibly can. The next time I speak with Natalie, I will inform her of the changes I've made and ask her what else needs to be done.
Welcome to our main website where you can obtain club information, house information, and how this role playing game works.
We are identical to Sorority Sisters but have different chain names.
About Fraternity Brothers
The house levels:
Alpha -- 60 people
Beta -- 55 people
Delta -- 45 people
Kappa -- 35 people
The house "chains"
Temporary names
House Leader "Duties"
Brother "Duties"
Please note that this page is still under construction. Thank you.
Last updated: November 23, 2002